Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Is Cognitive Software?

Posted by A.N. Loganathan
As published at

The word "cognitive" refers to the brain’s ability to think and process information. Cognitive software or popularly known as Brain Training Software is a type of computer program designed to help improve a user's memory and attention skills. This type of software is developed using cognitive psychology as its basis, and aims to help people achieve success in their academic and professional goals.

ColorMatch-A typical example Brain Training Module
Brain X-Trainer 5 Home Edition

The ColorMatch module is one of the ways that the Brain X-Trainer ™ 5 may help to improve mental (attention) vitality and flexibility.  The cognitive mechanism involved in this task is directed attention.  The task will help to develop the ability to manage and direct attention, and foster the ability to inhibit or stop the initial response in the presence of conflicting information.

Cognitive software is largely based around the concepts of cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy, also known as behavioral therapy, is a type of counseling that helps an individual use more positive and effective thinking strategies to overcome mental difficulties, such as anxiety and depression. Many people who have gone through cognitive therapy find more beneficial ways of thinking whenever they find themselves in an unfavorable situation.

People who have problems with cognitive skills have been helped to develop better ways to process information by using cognitive software. Candidates who suffer from a variety of mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and other cognitive impairments may also benefit from using this software. It is also helpful for people who have learning disabilities such as ADHD, who have been known to have problems with their attention span and listening skills.

Cognitive retraining software is also used for people who have had severe head trauma and need assistance with learning many of the basic skills they had prior to sustaining an injury. It helps people with head injuries relearn tasks such as matching, association, memory skills, and others. In addition, this technology is used in workplaces around the world to help people perform better in their jobs. This software helps people find better ways to solve problems, while at the same time sharpens their abilities to process complex information, thus making them more valuable employees.

Memory training is a concept used within cognitive software that enhances a person's intelligence and memory. The reason it is able to accomplish this is because it uses techniques such as rhyming and placement of numbers by using "chunking" to help people learn more easily. For instance, when people are trying to learn a key phrase they will make up a word that rhymes with the words — two is for glue. Chunking is another technique that can be used to remember a long list of numbers, such as a phone number. The number 1234567, for example, could be more easily memorized when it is broken into chunks: 123-45678. 

Cognitive games are another type of cognitive software that can help with information processing and brain training abilities. This software incorporates games that test and improve functions, such as processing speed, verbal fluency, and spatial working memory skills. Each game targets each individual function in the brain and helps the user develop better cognitive abilities.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Introduction to OAESIS - Job Interest Inventory

OÆSIS® Job Interest Inventory
by Dr. Othman Mohamed

OÆSIS®  is a job interest inventory which is constructed based on the career development theory and principle that people are influenced about the choice of their job occupations within their comfort of being in an environment which they like.  Job occupations in the real world can occur in an outdoor or an indoor environment.  Also, the premise is that people would like to choose a job initially that can meet the homeostasis of an outdoor or an indoor environment.  Nevertheless, job occupations in these environments can also be categorize into specialization area orientations such as Artistic; Enterprising; Scientific; and Social.  In fact, the Outdoor and Indoor environment too can specify its own generic specialization area orientations. 
Also, there is a relationship between job occupational preferences with the personality of the individual.  It is normal for specific individuals to choose job occupations that are consistent with their personality portrait and environment.   Hence in OÆSIS, the description of an occupational environment may also provide indication of portrayal about the nature of personality depicting the individual.
The acronym OÆSIS® conveys a meaningful opportunity, hoping toward an eventful job search and career destination:

O = Outdoor
A = Artistic
E = Enterprising
S = Scientific
 I = Indoor
S = Social

It is envisage that given the nature of the variety of jobs in reference with their job descriptions in this post modern world with an ongoing advancement in information technology, many old jobs such as clerical positions, typist, typesetter are now probably non existence.  New job occupations such as incorporating nano technology, bio technological advancements, information technology will be a norm depicting the employment market in the coming generation.  OÆSIS® posits that the categorization of the outdoor and indoor homeostasis conceptualization of occupational environment is the most appropriate descriptive boundaries that can assist potential job seekers in an effort toward realizing their job interests.  The occupational specialization area orientation describes the best possible portrait about the activities and the working environment related with the specific occupational category. 

Individuals tend to choose job occupations that are consistent with their personality portrait and such characteristics often depict their liking for a specific environment.  Hence in such circumstances, there is a tendency that individuals with such like personality would also tend to congregate in similar environments.  The working environment thus is reflective about the likable activities that are usually associated with specific jobs setting in similar environment.  The attraction such job activity and setting has upon individuals permits them toward a comfort zone and may thus sustain further their possible satisfaction about the job occupation that they have chosen as a career.
It goes without saying that each individual may also have a dominant personality, depicting their prime interest and trait that influences their daily activities. In OÆSIS®, the initial personality categorization may depict the individual as either an outdoor or an indoor type; and then followed by the next dominant personality types of either as Artistic, Enterprising, Scientific, or Social.
The OÆSIS® Job Interest Environment provides the description of the various specific categorization such as Artistic, Enterprising, Scientific, Social, Outdoor, and Indoor occupational and personality environments possible in regard the principle that trigger on the construction about the inventory.
Readers and visitors to this BrainIQ generator web blog are encourage to self reflect about their job interest and probably consider the personality descriptions to ascertain about the likable similarities. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Paper presented at the 18th APECA Biennial Conference August 2010, Pulau Pinang
By. Dr Othman Mohamed, University Putra malaysia


The learning process is very much related with the cognitive mind.  Ideation emanating from the traditional learning process such as SQ3R and accelerated learning strategies have a strong foundation of using memory retention and recollections.   A novel Ideation in the post modern computer based digital phenomena are elements related with virtual vision, perception of objects, speed time frame, motor movements and instant data feedback.
The traditional elements of the role of the conscious and unconscious mind in addition to the stimulus-response behaviours about the learning process are still found to be useful and relevant in this post modern computer based digital world.  Essentially, the cognitive process is very much related with the brain (Jensen, E., 2008)   Since the day the child is born, the brain is not a limiting factor.  In fact, the brain is so plastic that individuals are not fossilized with the brain they were born with.  The brain as neuroscience have found can be trained to be better and be more fit.
            Brain fitness is just as essential as physical fitness.  Exercises of the body promote physical fitness, and in parallel, proper exercise of the mind promotes brain fitness.  This finding provides the path toward the possible change and modification about the positive effects that may influence the brain because of its plasticity.  In other words this amazing possibility of restructuring may help individuals especially children to be more mind fit and a readiness for lifelong learning.


The ideation of brain training is built on the premise that by strengthening memory, attention, sequencing and processing rate, the brain necessarily will restructure in an amazing flexible and powerful form hence improving the brain’s potential (Jensen, E. 2005).  In this sense, any child and for that matter adults too may benefit in their learning process because of this brain plasticity.
            Neuroscience provides the ideation and research as provided for by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Mayo Clinic in the United States of America, indicating that computer assisted brain training can improve the cognitive skills that are necessary for learning.  Nevertheless, understanding the learning process, there is a need for a theoretical foundation toward any development of such brain training efficiency and even so in aspects of the formulation and construction of brain training software.
            Initially, computer games development is reward specific.  Games of leisure are developed that provide for the stimulation of the mind and subsequently with the game players being rewarded in virtual forms.  Computer games that evolves beyond only virtual rewards incorporates data accumulation, strategic focus, information and knowledge awareness, and problem solution.  The potential on the learning process is enormous.  Nevertheless, the limitation of these games revolves on its specificity and the absence of a concrete theoretical conceptualization about the Gestalt integration necessary for the learning process.


The need for a Gestalt integration of form, structure, consciousness of the cognitive mind focus, memory retention, digit span and perceptual sensitivity provides for a formidable integration of the theoretical platform.  This ideation paves the access toward a theoretical conceptualization of a symbiotic integration on the theoretical IQ elements of verbal skills, motor coordination, digital span, perception and spatial relationship;   learning acquisition for knowledge and information; the psychoanalytic dimension of the consciousness; and the total Gestalt holistic integration. This conceptualization is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Symbiotic Quadrants in Brain Games Development
Othman Mohamed, 2010 in Matroll Concept, Brain-X Trainer 5 Manual


An excellent example of a brain training computer software is the BRAIN X-TRAINER 5 version 5.6 (Matroll Concept, 2010) which incorporates games like modular elements  of Color Match; Quick Maths; Word Magic; and Puzzle Twist. (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
BRAIN X-TRAINER 5 version 5.6
Matroll Concept , 2010. Matroll Technologies Sdn. Bhd.


Noteworthy in the development process of the brain training and learning software is the recognition of the elementary significance of the role of the consciousness.  The psychodynamic process provides for this clear understanding of the conscious and unconscious elements prevailing during the learning process.  The existence of a fast repetitive element in the brain training and learning software signify the readily growth of new neurons connectivity in the brain.  This is essential for basic mind alertness and the capacity for retention and recollection of data acquisition.


The foundation of mental dexterity is normally measured through the process of an IQ evaluation.  The Wechsler is essentially an IQ evaluation conceptualized on the acumen of verbal skills, arithmetical acumen, motor skills and perceptual flexibility of individuals.  There is universal acceptance of the various items of the Wechsler Scales albeit modification upon cultural differences.
            Nevertheless, brain training and learning software developers ought to consider the feasibility of incorporating selected IQ scales items such as the Wechsler in the process construction of the software.  Again, the presence of speed time element benefits the potential growth of the brain neurons connectivity.
            In the BRAIN X-TRAINER 5 version 5.6 software, Color Match is consistent with the Wechsler Verbal Scale items on Similarities; Quick Maths is consistent with Arithmetic, Digit Span; Word Magic is consistent with Vocabulary; and Puzzle Twist is consistent with the Performance Scale items such as Picture Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, and Object Assembly.


There is a relationship between cognitive skills and learning.  Processing speed and memory too are deemed important in the learning process.  Learning strategies such as the SQ3R techniques requires adept abilities of verbal processing, memory retention and poise recollections of data acquisition.
            The strength and speed of mental skills may well influence how individuals perform new mental task better, hence providing the positive avenues toward successful learning.  In the new knowledge economy, the adept abilities of individuals especially children to master the verbal and performance skills requires mental alertness and brain agility.
Brain training and learning software such as the Word Magic in BRAIN X-TRAINER 5 version 5.6 do provide the suggestive unconscious the tapping of the reserves on the individual mind.  Also, the random repetitive structure of the game module, consistent with the progressive processing speed ensures rapid growth of the neurons connectivity.


The common element that binds children and families are the parents.  The parent role is pivotal toward steering the child’s mental health and the learning process.  Family bonding becomes an important ingredient ensuring a Gestalt integration of the physiological well being, mind, emotion, and spiritual wellness.
            The Gestalt integration ensures the multiple dimensions of cognitive behaviours, the spiritual-emotional well being, and musicology ought to be incorporated in brain training and learning software development.  Engagement in learning provides for an interesting challenge about the problem that confronts the learner within reasonable reach and achievement.  Moreover, the Gestalt integration also generate that moment of change in neurons when the brain is actually learning.


Brain training and the learning process is closely entwined with the findings of cognitive neuroscience.  As more research are being conducted and observations about the world of training and learning become evident, it is a fact that constant training is a necessary form in order that tutoring in its singularity is supported strongly by practice. Immediate evaluation feedback upon what has been learned and achieved too is important. It is obvious that learning incorporates many forms.  For example, to play musical instruments such as the guitar, the saxophone or the piano cannot be a success without actual practice sans tutoring.  Brain training is indeed an important supportive element in ensuring a better learning process.

Jensen, E. (2005).                  
Teaching with the brain in mind.  Virginia:  Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Jensen, E. (2008). 
Brain-based Learning: The new paradigm of teaching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Matroll Concept (2010). 
Brain-X Trainer 5 version 5.6.  Kuala Lumpur:  Matroll Technology Sdn. Bhd.

Othman Mohamed (2001).   
Prinsip psikoterapi dan pengurusan dalam kaunseling. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra  Malaysia.