by A. Grano on
April 6th, 2012
New research published
in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry supports
this theory, as lead researcher Dr. Barbara Shukitt-Hale of the USDA
Agricultural Research Service at Tufts University said that berries have “neuro-available,
neuro-active phytochemicals that offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
and direct effects on the brain.”
This boost to brain
health comes from the berries’ support of multiple metabolic systems in the
body, including maintaining cellular function, as the high levels of
antioxidants help protect the brain from harmful oxidative effects of free radicals.
In addition, the
researchers found that consumption of certain berries may actually modify
neuron communication and brain signals. This in turn negates some of
the inflammation that can contribute to neuron damage, thus improving cognitive processes.
While eating berries
might not cause an overwhelming improvement in memory and brain functioning nor
completely ward off conditions such as dementia, but they are nevertheless a healthy
snack and welcome addition to any balanced diet.
For year-round
enjoyment and typically lower prices, check your grocer’s frozen food section for
berries, which can be added to smoothies or added to oatmeal and cereals.